Monday, December 14, 2015

GIS I Lab 4: Mini-Final Project


Where are Wisconsin's Ideal Campgrounds?

For my mini-final project, I wanted to find the best campgrounds in Wisconsin based on three criteria; proximity to hiking trails (10mi) and grocery stores (20mi), and in watersheds with minimal impaired waters. If I had more detailed information about Wisconsin campgrounds, I would add on-site showers, electric sites, and proximity to biking trails as criteria. 

These criteria maximize my camping experience. Hiking trails provide the daily activities I enjoy. I can't store a week's worth of food in a single cooler, so a nearby grocery store is important. Lakes and rivers provide beauty and a place to swim, but if the waterways are impaired they may be green and ugly, and unsafe to swim in. I do not want to spend my vacation in an area where I can't enjoy the water.

I am the main audience of this map, as campground criteria are based on my personal desires. However, anyone who shares these desires may find value in my map and it results.

Data Sources

To answer my question and meet my criteria, I needed information about Wisconsin hiking trails, grocery stores, watersheds, impaired waters, and campgrounds. All of the data I used comes from the Wisconsin DNR 2014 Data Base and the ESRI 2013 USA data. These sources do not include information about hiking trails or grocery stores, however they did include information about parks and cities. In my experience, I've found that County, State, and National Parks and Forest lands include hiking trails, so I used that information as a proxy for hiking trails. Additionally, once a city reaches a population of about 1,000-5,000 people, a grocery store springs up to serve the population. So I used city population as a proxy for grocery store.

Data Concerns

By using proxy for hiking trails and grocery stores, I can not be sure that there actually is a hiking trail in the nearby national forest or a Supervalu in the local town. Additionally, the campground shapefile that I used was most recently updated in 2002 - over 10 years ago. Some of the campground names are missing, and the campground in my hometown is missing entirely. The file really should be updated to reflect any campgrounds that are new or have been closed down. 


Figure 1: Data Flow Model

Clean Watersheds

To find the cleanest watersheds with few or no impairments, I conducted four summarized spatial joins between "Watersheds" and each of four shapefiles detailing Wisconsin's impaired waterways. Then I added and calculated a field that summed each of the four count fields produced. I queried for and exported watersheds with 0-2 impaired waterways to produce the shapefile "Clean Water."

Hiking Trails

"Park.Dtl" includes park information across the United States, and would be much to large to work, so I needed to clip it. Additionally, while I was looking for campgrounds in Wisconsin, I don't mind driving 10 miles across the Wisconsin border into Michigan and enjoying the hiking trails they have to offer. I created a very random polygon shapefile around Wisconsin including the states adjacent to it to account for this ("Clip to Area"). Then I queried for County, State, and National Parks, and added a 10 mile buffer to create "Park Buff." This was clipped to "Wisconsin" creating "Wi Park Area."

Grocery Stores

Similar to hiking trails, "Cities.Dtl" had nationwide data so I clipped it to "Clip to Area." Then I queried for cites with a population of 1000-5000 people and added a 20 mile buffer. I clipped this area to "Wisconsin" to create "Wi Small Town Area."

Bringing it all Together

An intersection between "Clean Water," "Wi Park Area," and "Wi Small Town Area" provided plots of land that met all three criteria, "Meets Criteria." A simple clip of "Wi Campgrounds" to "Meets Criteria" produces a shapefile of the "Best Wi Campgrounds."


Figure 2: Ideal Wisconsin Campground Map

Figure 2 displays Wisconsin's ideal campgrounds based on my criteria. Campgrounds are symbolized by the black box with a white tent inside. The grey dots represent the small towns were a grocery store could be found. The areas with the cross hatching notes the County, State, and National Parks and Forest Lands in and around Wisconsin. Watershed health is symbolized by color, with green watersheds being the healthiest and red watersheds containing the most impaired waterways. Notice how the ideal campgrounds are only located in the deep green watersheds.

Ideal Campgrounds

Ada Lake Campgrounds, Bagley Rapids Campground, Boulder Lake Campground, Camp Forest Spring, Camp Tekawitha, Camp Waubeck, Chipmunk Campground, Dells Camp, Eastwood Campground, Franklin Lake Campground, Lake of the Dells Campground, Lost Lake Campground, Purdue Univ. Forestry Camp, Richardson Lake Campground, Southfork Campground and RV Park, Spearhead Point Campground, Stevens Lake Campground, Turtle Creek Campsite, and Winsor Dam Campground


Overall I really enjoyed this project. I selected a question that was important to me and may actually check out some of the campgrounds on the list. This project allowed me the freedom and challenge to choose my own criteria and parameters. There were infinite criteria options and methods available to select the best campgrounds that could drastically alter the results. For example, by including parks outside of Wisconsin  in the selection process a few more campgrounds made the list. This gave me a greater appreciation for geographers making difficult decisions that shapes how people read data.

If I did this again, I would mine the internet for a more updated campground shapfile as described in Data Sources. I would also remove the city population less than 5000 restriction to include all cities greater than 1000 because they will definitely include a grocery store. Or I find a shapefile including the actual locations of grocery stores. This minor tweak will allow more campgrounds to be included in the final list.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

GIS I Lab 3: Vecor Analysis with ArcGIS


  • To use various geoprocessing tools for vector analysis in ArcGIS.
  • To produce a map for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) detailing suitable Black Bear habitat on DNR management lands withing a study area in central Marquette County.


The Michigan DNR is looking to cultivate black bear habitat on the lands they manage within a study area in central Marquette County. Using provided data, I mapped prime locations, given particular criteria.

Provided Data

  • Excel file containing the (X,Y) coordinates of confirmed black bear sightings within a study area
  • Shape Files of the study area and its, land cover, and rivers
  • Shape File of Marquette County DNR Management Lands

Habitat Criteria

  • Land cover bears prefer, given the confirmed sightings
  • Within 500 meters of a stream
  • At least 5 kilometers from urban or built up and residential lands
  • Within DNR Management lands
Note: This is a fictional scenario, using factual data.


Figure 1: Data Flow Model

Objective 1 - Map Black Bear locations

  • Added bear locations as an XY event theme
  • Exported and saved Bear Locations in my geodatabase as a point feature class

Objective 2 - Determine the forest types where black bears are found

  • Ran a spatial join between Bear Locations and Landcover that counted the number of bear locations within each land cover segment
  • Summarized result based on the minor_cover field to count the total number of bear sightings in each type of land cover
  • Noted top three land cover types with the most bear sightings
    • Mixed Forest Land, 31
    • Forested Wetlands, 17
    • Evergreen Forestland 14
  • Queried Landcover for the above listed land types and exported them into a new shapefile.

Objective 3 - Determine if bears are found near streams

  • Buffered streams to 500 meters
  • Clipped Bear Locations to buffered streams to count the number of bears found within 500 meters of a stream
  • 49 of the 68 bears, or 72 percent of the bears were found withing 500 meters of a stream, a percentage considered biologically important
  • Bears are found near rivers

Objective 4 - Find suitable bear habitat based on these to environmental features

  • Intersected the buffered river and bear land cover shapefiles to find land that is both close to a river and on land types that bears like, Bear Habitat

Objective 5 - Select habitat within DNR Management lands

  • DNR Management lands clipped to study area, DNR Mgmt. in Interest Area
  • Intersected DNR Mgmt. in Interest Area with Bear Habitat to find suitable habitat that was managed by the DNR, Bear Habitat in DNR Mgmt. Area

Objective 6 - Eliminate urban lands populated by people

  • Queried Landcover to select urban or built up and residential lands
  • Exported selection to new layer, Human Infested Land
  • Buffered Human Infested Land to five kilometers, Human Infested Areas
  • Erased Human Infested Areas from Bear Habitat in DNR Mgmt. Area to find suitable lands for the DNR to cultivate Bear Habitat, Optimal Bear Habitat
  • The last geoprocessing tool was ran using python, text as follows:
>>> arcpy.Erase_analysis ("DNR_mgmt_Habitat_Dissolve", "Humans_at_bay_dis", "optimus_prime")
<Result 'H:\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\optimus_prime'>

Note for Geog. 335 Professor: Python didn't allow me to save to the Q drive, so optimus_prime was saved in my H drive and moved to the Q drive later.


Figure 2: Map Produced
Figure 2 is the map I created and would give to the Michigan DNR of highlighting prime locations to cultivate Black Bear habitat. The black squares with white bears in them denote the locations of Black Bears during the study. The green polygons highlight lands that have the type of cover that bears prefer, are within 500 meters of a stream, located within management areas, and  at least 5 kilometers from urban areas.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

GIS I Lab 2: Downloading GIS Data

Introduction: The purpose of Lab 2 is learn how to access and use data from online sources, particularly U.S. Census Data. Data is then used to create two aesthetically pleasing maps displaying various demographic data for Wisconsin, and create a web map accessible to members of the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Geography and Anthropology Department.


  • Obtain Census Data -
    • I narrowed the search query to the topic People>Basic Count/Estimate>Population total, and the geography of Counties>Wisconsin.
    • Two data sets were downloaded: P1 Total Population 2010 SF1 100% Data and P13 Median Age By Sex 2010 SF1 100% Data.
    • Also downloaded, was a shapefile of the state of Wisconsin with the county boarders drawn in. This was found by selecting geographies, specifying County - 050>Wisconsin>All counties in Wisconsin, and clicking on the Map tab.
    • To access the files, I unzipped them to the proper file location. 
  • Format Data - Once the data was accessible, I formatted it so that it was compatible with ArcMap.
    • The data sets came with excel files with the meta data and the tabular data. All the tables were fairly simple and compatible with ArcMap so I did not alter them at all. However, if I did this lab again, I would change some of the column names in the tabular sets so that the information it held was more obvious by the title. 
    • The data sets were stored as comma separated files, so I saved them as Excel Workbooks.
    • The reformatted data sets and the Wisconsin Counties shapefile were added to a blank ArcMap.
  • Join Tables - The two data sets lack actual geography and spatial representation of Wisconsin Counties, and should be joined with the Wisconsin counties shapefile.
    • Each data set was joined in separate data frames using the GEO#id.
    • The tables have been joined, but the information from the data sets had been imported as string field types. I added a new field, type Double, and used the field calculator to move the data over.
  • Map the Data
    • Two data frames were used to generate two maps on one layout, each displaying one of the data sets.
    • The first map displays the population of each county (quantities, graduated colors, Jenks Natural Breaks).
    • The second map shows the median age of each county (quantities, graduated colors, Jenks Natural Breaks).
    • To view the maps created, check out Figure 1!
  • Creating a Web Map
    • I copied the maps I had just made into a new file and deleted the Total Population Data Frame so that I could create a web map with just the Median Age information.
    • After logging onto ArcGIS Online inside of Arc Map, I published my map as a feature service to the UWEC Geography and Anthropology page on Esri Enterprise.
    • The service is titled Wisconsin_Demographic_Information_Kubishak
    • To enable popups on my map, I set the capabilities to Feature Access instead of Tiled Mapping.
    • Then I published the service.
    • Once the feature service was in the cloud, I could create a web map.
    • The popup windows were configured to only display the county name and median age.
    • This was then saved as a web map and shared with the UWEC Geography and Anthropology Department.
    • If you are part of the UWEC Geography and Anthropology Department, click here to view my web map!
Results: Personally, I found the results of the maps generated in Lab 1 quite interesting.

  • Total Population Map - As expected, Milwaukee County has the highest population in the state, as it is also the largest metropolitan area. Close behind are Waukesha and Dane counties, an extension of the Milwaukee metropolitan area, and the state's capitol, respectively. Overall, counties with larger populations tend to be in the the south-east corner of the state. Counties highlighted in other parts of the state correspond with larger cities; Brown county and Green Bay, Marathon county and Wausau, Portage county and Stevens Point, Wood county and Wisconsin Rapids, La Crosse county and La Crosse, St. Croix county and Hudson, Eau Claire County and Eau Claire, and finally Chippewa County and Chippewa Falls. Based on this trend I was surprised however, that Douglas county did not light up because of Superior.
  • Median Age Map - I found the results of this map very interesting. Overall the range of median age is 31-51 years old, with the majority of counties in the oldest median age bracket (48-51) located more north. Many of the counties highlighted in the first map with greater total populations had the youngest median ages (31-35), notably Milwaukee, Dane, La Crosse, Eau Claire, and Saint Croix counties. Dunn county and Menominee county also fall in the lowest median age bracket. UW Stout is located in Dunn county and may play a role in bringing the median age down. Menominee county has a rather large Native American reservation and could be populated by more families, lowering the median age. However, more research should be done investigating the role colleges and reservations play on median age. All of the counties in the oldest median age bracket are in the the lowest population total bracket. As a native Wisconsinite who has traveled Wisconsin extensively, my experiences have stereotyped many of these counties as "up north" vacation destinations and retirement communities, notably Buffalo, Pepin, Bayfield, and Door Counties, so their bracketing made sense to me. I do not have hold that stereotype for Juneau and Adams counties in the central sands area however, so they surprised me by being in the oldest age bracket. 

Sources: U.S. Census 2010

Sunday, October 11, 2015

GIS I Lab 1: Base Data

Goal and Background: The goal of Lab 1 was to use and display the GIS skills I have learned in class thus far on a project relevant to my student status at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (UWEC).
The Confluence Project is an arts performance and display space and student housing complex geographically positioned at the confluence of the Eau Claire and Chippewa Rivers in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and at the social confluence of UWEC and the greater Eau Claire community. The project would be funded by both public and private sources, and thus was a rather political issue, voted on in November 2014.

Many materials needed to be generated to conceptualize the project, and anticipate potential political hurtles in City Council and in the voting population. Lab 1 put me to work recreating some of those materials. 

Methods: Six maps were generated; EC County Civil Divisions, Census Boundaries, PLSS Features, EC City Parcel Data, Zoning, and Voting Districts. For each of the six maps, an Imagery base map was used. A legend, compass, and scale was included in each map. The proposed site is highlighted and labeled in yellow in each map. For the maps scaled out beyond 1:140,000, a callout box was created labeling and pointing to the proposed site. EC County Civil Divisions map was overlain with the county civil divisions and symbolized categorically showing municipality type. Census Boundaries is overlain with the US Census blocks and symbolized by quantities, 2007 population normalized to square miles. PLSS Features is overlain with the quarter-quarter PLSS of the area, and highlighted with neon-green outlines for visibility. EC Parcel Data is overlain with the parcel lots in the City of Eau Claire, symbolized as solid polygons, and centerlines in blue for visual reference. Zoning was overlain with the land zoning for the city of Eau Claire, and categorically symbolized by zoning class. Classes were simplified into six broader categories. Centerlines were also drawn on for visual reference. Voting Districts is overlain with the voting districts for the City of Eau Claire, and labeled by ward number. Wards were also symbolized categorically using the ward number for the unique values. This allows a for better visual representation of the outlines of each ward.

Results: The resulting map, Figure 1 (displayed below) shows all 6 maps in separate data frames on a single layout. Eau Claire County Civil Divisions shows the geographic location of the proposed site; Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in the city of Eau Claire. Census Boundaries shows the population density of the area according to the 2010 US census. The Confluence is in an area with 3600-5000  people living per square mile. PLSS Features shows that site is located in NE 1/4 NW 1/4 of Eau Claire Section 20. EC City Parcel Data map shows which legal parcels will be combined to create the Confluence. Zoning describes the present zoning of the site and the sites around it. The parcels are presently zoned as Central Business District among other Central Business District parcels. Voting Districts labels the voting districts in the city of Eau Claire, to aid in campaigning for Confluence approval.

Figure 1

Sources: City of Eau Claire and Eau Claire County 2013